Stephen W. Churchill
Former Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge (DOJ)

Practice Overview and Client Services
Mr. Stephen W. Churchill is the long-time former Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge at the U.S. Department of Justice and U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He has over thirty years’ experience in the pharmacy compliance, pharmacy audits, DEA administrative inspections, and DEA diversion investigations. Mr. Churchill offers corporate clients in the pharmaceutical industry reliable and proven knowledge regarding the Controlled Substances Act and similar state and federal regulations. His extensive background and experience in counterintelligence, federal law enforcement operations, and multi-agency investigations allow clients to rely on genuine first-hand experience in times of crisis.
Career in the DOJ and DEA
Special Agent Churchill has over two decades experience as a Special Agent, Supervisory Special Agent, Chief of the Academic Operations Unit, Chief of the Personnel and Physical Security Sections, and as the Assistant Special Agent in Charge. In these various positions, Mr. Churchill investigated, supervised, and led complex narcotics investigations, probes into clandestine laboratories, and drug diversion cases on behalf of the U.S. Department of Justice, numerous U.S. Attorney’s Offices, the DEA, the FBI, state pharmacy boards, and state law enforcement agencies.
Educational Background and Awards
Prior to joining the Maryland State Police, Mr. Churchill attained a B.S. in Political Science and Criminal Justice from James Madison University and an associate degree in criminal justice from Chesapeake College. He also received leadership training from Harvard University, the American University, and Duke University. Mr. Churchill is a member of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association and the Maryland State Police Alumni Association. Special Agent Churchill has received many awards. For instance, he was recognized by the Attorney General of the United States with the Attorney General’s Award for Excellence in Law Enforcement.
How a Former DOJ and DEA Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge Can Help Your Business
With more than three decades of experience inside the DOJ and DEA, Mr. Churchill has substantial expertise in all areas of pharmacy compliance. He also has in-depth knowledge of the federal government’s strategies for targeting narcotics operations, illegal manufacturing facilities and laboratories, and other criminal enterprises. He can help your business by:
- Providing Defense Insights Based on First-Hand Experience – If the DOJ or DEA is targeting your business, Mr. Churchill can provide critical defense insights based on his experience working at both of these agencies.
- Advising on Federal Compliance and Risk Management – Mr. Churchill can assist your business with establishing and maintaining compliance with the laws enforced by the DOJ and DEA, and he can explain the types of issues that tend to get pharmacies and other businesses into trouble.
- Anticipating Issues with the DOJ and DEA – Whether you are seeking to avoid DOJ and DEA scrutiny or your business is currently under investigation, Mr. Churchill can help you anticipate issues before they lead to problems.