Asset Protection Investigator

  • Former Federal Agents
  • 100 Years of Combined Experience
  • Investigations, Compliance & Defense
Chris Quick

Former Special
Agent (FBI & IRS)

Roger Bach

Former Special
Agent (DOJ-OIG & DEA)

Timothy Allen

Former Special Agent
(U.S. Secret Service & DOJ-OIG)

Ray Yuen

Former Special
Agent (FBI)

Michael S. Koslow

Former Special
Agent (DOD & OIG)

Are Your Company’s (or Your Personal) Assets at Risk? Our Investigators Can Let You Know

When it comes to protecting a company’s or high-net-worth individual’s assets, implementing an asset protection strategy is just one step in the process. You also need to know if your strategy is working; and, when faced with a liability risk or theft, you need to get to the bottom of the situation as quickly as possible.

Taking these steps to protect your company’s (or your personal) assets requires the skills and insights of an experienced asset protection investigator. At Corporate Investigation Consulting, our former federal agents rely on extensive relevant experience to help companies and individuals protect their assets through targeted and comprehensive investigations. Whether you need to better understand your company’s vulnerabilities, need to know if your personal assets are secure, or need to conduct an investigation in connection with potential or pending litigation, our former federal agents can get to work immediately.

Put our highly experienced team on your side
Roger Bach
Roger Bach

Former Special Agent (OIG)

Timothy E. Allen

Former Senior Special Agent U.S. Secret Service

Chris J. Quick

Former Special Agent (FBI & IRS-CI)

Maura Kelley

Former Special Agent (FBI)

Ray Yuen

Former Supervisory Special Agent (FBI)

Michael S. Koslow

Former Supervisory Special Agent (DOD-OIG)

Marquis D. Pickett

Special Agent U.S. Secret Service (ret.)

Our Services

We offer asset protection investigation services for both companies and individuals. Like all of our services, we custom-tailor these investigative services to our clients’ specific needs, ensuring that we provide our clients with all of the information and insights they need without wasting time (or money) in areas that don’t matter to you or your business.

Corporate Asset Protection Investigations

We work with companies to help protect their assets on both an ongoing and an ad hoc basis. Whether you are looking to build a relationship with an asset protection investigation firm to help manage your company’s risks on an ongoing basis, or you need to engage an asset protection investigator for a discrete concern or event, we can cost-effectively fill the role. Our asset protection investigation services for companies include:

  • Proactive Asset Protection Investigations – With asset protection, the best defense is a good offense. If you know that your company’s asset protection strategy is working as it should, this can help you sleep at night, help you speak confidently with your shareholders, and help ensure that claims and litigation do not lead to unnecessary losses. We conduct proactive asset protection investigations focused on evaluating our corporate clients’ asset protection strategies and determining which of their assets are within reach for commercial and judgment creditors.
  • Litigation-Related Asset Protection Investigations – If your company is facing the threat of litigation (or if a lawsuit against your company is already pending), you need to know the stakes involved. Our asset protection investigators can gather the information you need, and our consultants can use this information to help you make the right decision about how to move forward.
  • TheftRelated Asset Protection Investigations – Corporate theft is a major threat to companies’ assets as well—and it is the biggest risk that many companies face. If your company is dealing with internal or external theft, whether online or in its physical facilities, we can investigate to identify the party (or parties) involved and help you determine appropriate next steps for both holding the perpetrator (or perpetrators) accountable and preventing similar losses in the future. 

Individual Asset Protection Investigations

We provide similar asset protection investigation services for individuals. If you need to know whether your assets are truly out of sight and out of reach, need to know which of your assets are at risk in litigation, or need to find out who stole your personal property (whether physical or digital), we can help. As former high-ranking federal agents, we have the capabilities you need, and we have the resources required to conduct asset protection investigations across the U.S. and around the globe.

If you have assets that you don’t want to lose, you cannot afford to wait until something goes wrong to find out if your asset protection strategy is working. Once you contact us, we can get to work immediately, and we will keep you informed in real time as we uncover the information you need to know.

What to Expect from Our Asset Protection Investigators

When you need to conduct an asset protection investigation, it is important to know what you can expect from the firm you engage to conduct the investigation on your (or your company’s) behalf. Here is what you can expect when you choose Corporate Investigation Consulting:

1. You Will Work Directly with Our Former High-Ranking Federal Agents

Our asset protection investigation team consists exclusively of former high-ranking federal agents. You will work directly with these former DOJ, FBI, and IRS special agents throughout the investigative process.

2. We Will Work Quickly to Help Protect Your Company’s (or Your Personal) Assets

When you need to conduct an asset protection investigation, you don’t have time to waste. We will work quickly to help protect your company’s (or your personal) assets, and we will rely on our extensive investigative experience to ensure that we do not leave any stone unturned.

3. We Will Provide the Information You Need to Make Smart Decisions About Your Next Steps

Based on the information we uncover during the investigative process, we will help you make smart decisions about your next steps. We will ensure that you are aware of all vulnerabilities, litigation risks, and additional asset protection opportunities so that you can move forward with confidence.

Related Services We Offer

Along with our asset protection investigation services, we offer several related services as well. Many of our clients that engage us for asset protection investigations also engage us for:

  • Compliance Management and Stress Testing – We provide comprehensive compliance management services for companies in all industries. Effective compliance management is a key corporate asset protection strategy. We also conduct compliance program stress testing focused on ensuring that our clients’ compliance programs are functioning as intended.
  • Digital ForensicsDigital forensics are playing an increasingly greater role in all types of investigations. If necessary, we can utilize our digital forensics capabilities in connection with your (or your company’s) asset protection investigation.
  • Internal Audits and Investigations – For our corporate clients, we also offer internal audit and investigation services. If your company is facing a liability risk due to a compliance failure or dealing with internal theft, we can gather the intelligence your company needs to determine—and document—appropriate disciplinary measures.

FAQs: Asset Protection Investigations

What Does an Asset Protection Investigator Do?

An asset protection investigator helps companies and individuals make informed decisions about the steps they need to take to ensure that their assets are secure. By assessing the efficacy of companies’ and individuals’ asset protection strategies, and by gathering information about third-party claims and theft, asset protection investigators ensure that their clients have the information they need to make informed decisions.

When Should I Hire an Asset Protection Investigator?

There are a few circumstances in which it makes sense to hire an asset protection investigator. The first is when developing an asset protection strategy (or assessing the efficacy of an existing asset protection strategy). To develop an effective strategy (or to determine if your existing strategy is effective), you need to ensure that you have a comprehensive understanding of both: (i) what you need to protect; and, (ii) what you need to protect against.

The second is when facing litigation. If your company (or you personally) are at risk for facing judgment liability, you need to know what assets are at risk. The third is when dealing with theft. If someone has stolen your company’s assets (or your personal assets), conducting an independent investigation is one of the first steps toward recovering the stolen property.

What Information Can an Asset Protection Investigator Provide?

The information an asset protection investigator can provide depends on the information that is available. Generally speaking, however, asset protection investigators can provide information such as a comprehensive list of the assets you need to protect, a comprehensive list of assets that have been stolen (in the event of theft), and identification of vulnerabilities that are putting your (or your company’s) assets at risk.

Do I Need to Conduct an Asset Protection Investigation if I Have an Asset Protection Strategy?

Yes, even if you have an asset protection strategy, an asset protection investigation may still be necessary. Conducting a proactive asset protection investigation ensures that your strategy is working (or tells you what additional steps you need to take if it isn’t working), and conducting an investigation in response to a lawsuit or theft ensures that you have a clear understanding of your vulnerabilities and opportunities.

How Do I Choose a Firm to Conduct an Asset Protection Investigation?

When choosing a firm to conduct an asset protection investigation, relevant experience is by far the most important factor. You need asset protection investigators who can get to work immediately and who can rely on their experience to gather the intelligence you need while you still have time to take action.

Speak with an Asset Protection Investigator at Corporate Investigation Consulting

If you would like to know more about our asset protection investigation services, we invite you to get in touch. To speak with a senior asset protection investigator at Corporate Investigation Consulting, please call 866-352-9324 or inquire online today.

Contact Us Today

Contact Team Lead, Timothy Allen,
For a Confidential Consultation

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Call 866-352-9324 or request an appointment online. We are available 24/7, and our consultants can take action immediately to protect your company.

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