Law Firm Consulting

  • Former Federal Agents
  • 100 Years of Combined Experience
  • Investigations, Compliance & Defense
Chris Quick

Former Special
Agent (FBI & IRS)

Roger Bach

Former Special
Agent (DOJ-OIG & DEA)

Timothy Allen

Former Special Agent
(U.S. Secret Service & DOJ-OIG)

Ray Yuen

Former Special
Agent (FBI)

Michael S. Koslow

Former Special
Agent (DOD & OIG)

We Serve Law Firms and Their Clients in the Areas of Compliance, Cybersecurity, and Digital Forensics

Tim Allen

Law Firm Consulting Lead – Timothy E. Allen | Former Special Agent (U.S. Secret Service & DOJ-OIG)

As a lawyer, you know that one of the riskiest decisions you can make is the decision to act on incomplete information. This is true in litigation, it is true with regard to transactional due diligence and contract negotiations, and it is true with regard to statutory and regulatory compliance.

At Corporate Investigation Consulting, we help law firms avoid uncertainty. We help law firms address their own compliance and risk management needs, and we help them guide their clients as well. Our team of former high-ranking federal agents and leading digital forensics and cybersecurity consultants works with law firm compliance officers and partners to help them make informed decisions and provide strategic direction to the firm’s clients.

Our Services for Law Firms and Their Clients

Our services for law firms and their clients are focused in four key areas: (i) compliance consulting, (ii) cybersecurity consulting, (iii) digital forensics consulting, and (iv) internal auditing. With prior high-level experience at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), various Offices of Inspector General (OIG), and other federal agencies, our agents and consultants offer deep insights with an emphasis on practical applicability and real-world execution.

Put our highly experienced team on your side
Roger Bach
Roger Bach

Former Special Agent (OIG)

Timothy E. Allen

Former Senior Special Agent U.S. Secret Service

Chris J. Quick

Former Special Agent (FBI & IRS-CI)

Maura Kelley

Former Special Agent (FBI)

Ray Yuen

Former Supervisory Special Agent (FBI)

Michael S. Koslow

Former Supervisory Special Agent (DOD-OIG)

Marquis D. Pickett

Special Agent U.S. Secret Service (ret.)

We help law firms and other companies mitigate their risk by making informed decisions, and we help them leverage data to take control of complex, complicated, and high-risk situations. Contact us to speak with one of our senior agents or consultants about our services in the areas of:

Compliance Consulting

From the Federal Trade Commission Act (FTC Act) to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), and from antitrust and securities law compliance to government contracting compliance, our agents and consultants have deep knowledge in a broad range of substantive areas. We work with law firms and their clients to assess their compliance obligations, identify compliance shortcomings, and structure comprehensive compliance programs.

Cybersecurity Consulting

Our cybersecurity consulting team is headed by a leading cybersecurity expert who previously worked for the U.S. Secret Service. Similar to our compliance practice, we help law firms and companies both proactively manage cybersecurity risks and strategically react to cybersecurity threats and intrusions. Our agents and consultants are knowledgeable about all major information technology platforms and hold numerous industry-standard cybersecurity certifications.

Digital Forensics Consulting

We provide digital forensics consulting services in support of litigation as well as outside of the litigation arena. Our agents’ and consultants’ expertise extends to all aspects of computer, mobile device, automotive, and audiovisual forensics, and we have significant experience in the area of forensic accounting as well.

Internal Audits

When it comes to effectively managing law firms’ and companies’ risk, establishing compliance and security protocols and procedures is just the first step. In order to maintain compliance and ensure that threats are kept at bay, it is necessary to audit law firms’ and companies’ risk management efforts as well. With our agents’ federal investigative backgrounds, we bring unique insights and a comprehensive approach to conducting internal audits for firms and companies of all sizes.

FAQs: Compliance, Cybersecurity, Digital Forensics, and Internal Auditing

Q: What are some key considerations for choosing a compliance, cybersecurity, or digital forensics consulting firm?

When choosing a compliance, cybersecurity, or digital consulting firm, the two key considerations are: (i) experience, and (ii) capabilities. Both of these are extremely important, as experience brings with it deep insights, although experience alone is not necessarily indicative of capability. At Corporate Investigation Consulting, our former senior federal agents bring centuries of combined experience to the table, and they have proven their capabilities by rising through the ranks of the FBI, DOJ, and other federal agencies.

Q: How does Corporate Investigation Consulting help law firms more-effectively serve their clients?

At Corporate Investigation Consulting, we help law firms more-effectively serve their clients by offering deep subject matter knowledge and investigative expertise backed by centuries of experience helping both prosecute and defend against large-scale federal cases. Our agents and consultants are knowledgeable about a broad range of substantive federal compliance issues and all aspects of cybersecurity and digital forensics, and we rely on this knowledge to help law firms provide comprehensive, efficient, and custom-tailored solutions to their clients.

Q: What is the process for engaging Corporate Investigation Consulting as a third-party vendor for law firm clients?

The process for engaging Corporate Investigation Consulting is similar to the process of engaging a law firm. We make it easy to work with us, and our agents and consultants can begin working with your firm’s attorneys and your clients’ key stakeholders immediately if necessary.

Q: What are the benefits of engaging an outside consulting firm for compliance, cybersecurity, or digital forensics?

The main benefits of engaging an outside consulting firm for compliance, cybersecurity, or digital forensics are: (i) subject matter expertise, (ii) investigative expertise, and (iii) resources and capabilities. At Corporate Investigation Consulting, we offer all of these in spades, and our agents and consultants are prepared to work around the clock – whether remotely or on location – when necessary.

Q: Why should a law firm or company engage an outside consulting firm to conduct its internal audits?

Conducting an internal audit is not a simple process. There are several technical aspects involved, and conducting an internal audit effectively requires significant subject matter expertise. A consulting firm such as Corporate Investigation Consulting that is staffed by former high-ranking federal investigative agents and other subject matter experts can conduct an internal audit both more efficiently and more effectively than an in-house team that lacks comparable knowledge and experience.

Speak with a Senior Agent or Compliance Consultant at Corporate Investigation Consulting

If you would like to learn more about how we help law firms and their clients make informed decisions and manage their risk, we encourage you to get in touch. To speak with a senior agent or compliance consultant at Corporate Investigation Consulting in confidence, please call 866-352-9324 or inquire online today.

Contact Us Today

Contact Team Lead, Timothy Allen,
For a Confidential Consultation

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Contact Us 24/7 to Schedule Your Free Consultation

Call 866-352-9324 or request an appointment online. We are available 24/7, and our consultants can take action immediately to protect your company.

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