Susan Sage
Healthcare Auditor

Susan Sage is a recently retired healthcare auditor who offers 25 years of government and insurance experience to companies, business owners, and medical professionals undergoing chart and document reviews.
Auditing Experience. Ms. Sage previously served the Attorney General’s office as a fraud investigator and criminal auditor. In that capacity, she investigated dentists, medical and health professionals, hospitals, DME suppliers, home health agencies, long term care facilities, and pharmacies to ensure compliance with state and federal regulations— such as the False Claims Act, billing and coding rules, CMS requirements, and private healthcare insurance programs.
Client Services. Ms. Sage understands how nerve-racking and intrusive provider audits are and what danger a poorly handled audit response creates for license holders. Offering her dual experience as former insurance auditor and former criminal investigator with the Attorney General’s office, Ms. Sage helps professionals and businesses avoid consequential mistakes and further escalation when responding to document and chart requests.
Credentials & Education. Ms. Sage was appointed to multiple state committees on Medicaid policy development, and compliance review. She holds a B.A. from Ohio State University at Columbus with additional course credit from the University of Texas at Arlington.