Put Former FBI Agents on Your Side
Private Investigator Team Lead – Timothy E. Allen | Former Special Agent (U.S. Secret Service & DOJ-OIG)
Private investigators are experienced individuals who offer their investigative services to clients to help them resolve either a simple or complex issue. They can find information to help you, your family, and your business and will work to protect and safeguard your interests to enable you to make informed decisions at every stage of the investigation. At Corporate Investigation Consulting our private investigators include former FBI with ample experience in practical situations as well as the federal investigative process.
So what are the benefits of selecting a firm with private investigators who have experience as former FBI agents? The answer is four-fold. First, the FBI is the nation’s leading investigative and federal law enforcement agency. It invests billions of dollars annually towards training, expanding and upgrading its investigative tools, optimizing operations, and recruiting new talent. Senior FBI agents who become private investigators will carry their knowledge and experience gained from the Bureau to help you.
Second, the tactical experience gained by an FBI agent allows them to assess private investigations in a strategic manner. FBI agents are trained to scrutinize their investigations from day one. As private investigators, former FBI agents have the unique ability to assess an investigation, pinpoint the critical issues involved, and determine its scope and the steps needed to gather all relevant facts.
Third, the interdisciplinary approach between a former FBI agent and a private investigator offers clients a specialized and targeted investigation. At Corporate Investigation Consulting our investigators are familiar with not only basic investigative tools such as background checks and surveillance but also in more complex methods including forensic software, interrogation, fraud investigative searches, financial searches, and more. The successful operation of a private investigation requires education, skill, and a significant body of knowledge regarding legal issues and the federal process. This is something a former FBI agent can offer you.
Fourth, former FBI agents can investigate above and beyond the traditional private investigative areas because of the breadth of knowledge and experience an FBI agent acquires over the years in federal practice. For instance, the former FBI agents at Corporate Investigation Consulting can assist clients in private investigations involving the following:
- Breach of fiduciary duty obligations by board members and executives as well as shareholder derivative suits
- Cybersecurity threats within a business
- Bribery and corruption investigations within businesses and the political sphere
- Private employment investigations such as discrimination, harassment, or wrongful termination
- Corporate and accounting fraud investigations
- National security investigations and other sensitive matters within a corporation
- Investigations for tax evasion and tax fraud allegations
- Investigations for libel, slander, and online publication of damaging information to reputation
- Investigations for IP theft
Our team of former FBI agents as private investigators has resolved multiple cases across many areas of federal law enforcement authority and are able to solve the issues you have. We have the supervisory experience needed to take charge of investigations and provide you with results.
Make sure your private investigator has former FBI experience. It can make all the difference from initial inception of the investigation to its finalization and every step in between. Contact the experienced and trusted former FBI agents of Corporate Investigation Consulting today.