Cybersecurity Audits & Consulting Services for Home Health & Hospice Agencies

Home Health Hospice Team Lead – Timothy E. Allen | Former Special Agent (U.S. Secret Service & DOJ-OIG)
Cybercriminals eager to steal electronic medical records with patient health information, among other confidential information such as addresses, DOBs, and insurance information, love targeting hospices and home health agencies. As threats increase and technology advances, hospices and home health agencies have seen a need to seek better ways of safeguarding their patients and themselves from cybersecurity threats.
There are many serious data breaches that have taken place in the recent past, with hackers targeting sensitive patient data such as names, social security numbers, health insurance numbers, and other sensitive data bound to be held by hospices and home health agencies.
Since cybersecurity breaches can halt the operations of a healthcare organization, the importance of hiring experts to take care of cybersecurity needs can’t be overlooked. That’s where Corporate Investigation Consulting comes in!
The Need for Cybersecurity Consulting in Hospices and Home Health Agencies
With hospices and home health agencies collecting and storing patient information in their systems and nurses and other staff members using internet-enabled devices (like laptops, tablets, and cell phones) containing sensitive information at work and home, there’s a need for experts to assess cybersecurity needs and recommend adequate measures to combat any risks.
Corporate Investigation Consulting has cybersecurity experts capable of combating the latest, most unique threats today. We can help hospice and home health agency owners address critical internet security needs, integrate new cybersecurity solutions, and establish new internal controls (policies and programs) that address cyber threats.
We help in building stronger healthcare institutions that understand unique threats, take measures to build defenses, hunt threats, and respond accordingly to safeguard operations and reputation after a cybersecurity incident.
Put our highly experienced team on your side
Our Cybersecurity Consulting and Internal Audits Process
Cybersecurity Assessment
Our services begin with an assessment of internal controls via internal audits to assess risk. Our cybersecurity consulting and internal audits assessments also involve mock cyber-attacks to see how hospice and home health agency staff react to spam, phishing attacks, and more. Assessment results are used to design cybersecurity measures.
Most importantly, our service isn’t one-off. We access cybersecurity vulnerabilities continuously on networks and devices to cope with ever-changing threats. We can perform penetration threats to gain first-hand information on the location and nature of cyber threats.
Dealing with cyber-risks starts with understanding the business environment an organization operates in and its digital assets. Our assessments enable us to establish effective cybersecurity strategies that manage and reduce cybersecurity risks to the systems, data, assets, and capabilities of hospice care and home health providers.
Cybersecurity Defense
After assessing risks, our cybersecurity experts take measures to defend your IT infrastructure and assets. We deploy network safeguards and implement defensive best practices such as access control, data protection policies, facilitate awareness and training, perform network maintenance, deploy protective technologies, and more.
Most importantly, our defense strategies work while ensuring your critical operations remain uninterrupted. Discovering cybersecurity weaknesses in time is critical. The same applies to initiating appropriate defenses. Speed is of utmost importance when offering our cybersecurity consulting and internal audits.
Cybersecurity Training
Assessing risk and taking prompt defense measures isn’t enough. Hospice and home health agency staff must be trained on cybersecurity threats. In fact, training is the most critical aspect of a cybersecurity program.
Well-informed end users can identify risks better and faster if they have been adequately trained to do so. Corporate Investigation Consulting facilitates training staff on internet security policies. We get hospice and home health agency owners on board and initiate mandatory periodic training.
We will teach your staff how to detect suspicious emails – the most common medium for phishing scams and ransomware. The healthcare industry is fearful of ransomware attacks that hold a provider’s data at ransom until money has been paid to hackers. Ransomware attacks are characterized by little to no access to IT systems and devices. We will train your staff on how to avoid and deal with ransomware, among other threats.
Partial access or complete denial into a healthcare provider system can compromise operations impairing patient safety, privacy, and an organization’s operations. We will teach your staff email and link security to prevent them from innocently clicking on suspicious links. Our training goes in-depth into identifying red flags such as misspelled email addresses, unsolicited email, domains matching the organization, and more.
System/Asset Recovery
Part of our services includes recovering operations fast and effectively. Restoring capability after a cyber-attack can be a daunting task, especially if the attack impairs services. We’ve dealt with countless cyber-attacks in the healthcare industry to understand what should be done.
Besides taking back control immediately, our cybersecurity experts develop recovery plans that guarantee long-term improvement, reduce lasting impact, prevent future damage and pursue legal action if possible. Our system/asset recovery process allows hospices and home care agencies to go back to work in record time.
Our Advantage
Complete Holistic Responses
When Corporate Investigation Consulting detects cybersecurity incidences, we take action immediately and offer complete cybersecurity incident responses that include everything from assessment to mitigation system refining, ancillary support, reputation management, and more.
We aren’t an average cybersecurity consulting and internal audits company. No need to call anyone else apart from Corporate Investigation Consulting if your hospice or home health agency becomes a victim of cyber-attacks.
Nationwide Cybersecurity Expertise
We have cybersecurity experts across the U.S. Our services are open to any hospice/home health agency facing cyber threats in any state.
Prompt Services
We treat cyber threats as emergencies. Once you call 866-352-9324, we’ll assess the impact of the threat in a timely fashion, neutralize the threat and implement continuous monitoring and detection measures that enable us to detect any anomalies proactively.
Reasonable Pricing
While we offer expert cybersecurity consulting services, we charge fairly because we enjoy economies of scale. Corporate Investigation Consulting has presence nationwide. Our cybersecurity and supporting experts are located all over the U.S. and abroad, ready to assist. We don’t incur exorbitant costs outsourcing professionals, which is why our costs stay low.
Call us now at 866-352-9324 or reach out online. We have cybersecurity consulting and internal audit professionals waiting to give you a free, confidential consultation for hospices and home health agencies.